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EU regional and structural policy

EU Structural Funds as an instrument for promoting socio-ecological transformation

The aim of the project is to address the following question: How can the framework of the European Structural Funds (focus on ERDF and JTF as well as the Common Provision Regulation for the EU Structural Funds) be further developed with the aim of providing focused and effective support for socio-ecological transformation? The current EU structural funding will be examined: Analysis of direct funding with a focus on ERDF and JTF, in particular the supported funding themes, including quotas (climate, biodiversity) and the associated instruments. Secondly, the new cross-cutting instruments introduced in the current funding period will be examined. These instruments are aimed at environmentally and climate-friendly funding that is as synergetic as possible. In the further course of the project, analyses and evaluations of the European Commission's expected proposals for the next funding period will be carried out.

Contract/funding by:
Federal Environmental Agency

Duration: 06/2024 – 06/2027


Governance and implementation of the European Structural Funds with a view to their reorientation after 2027

Reflection on the implementation, steering and governance of the European Structural Funds based on the current state of research and best-practice projects from federal states. Involvement of a broad circle of experts and practitioners with the aim of developing recommendations for the further development of the governance and orientation of the Structural Funds in the new legislative package for the 2028-2034 funding period.

Contract/funding by:
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Duration: 08/2023 – 09/2024


Epansion of the Operational Program to include REACT-EU for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the "Investments in growth and employment" objective for Rhineland-Palatinate for the 2014-2020 funding period

In Rhineland-Palatinate, funds are to be spent within the framework of the ERDF program, for which a program amendment in accordance with the requirements of the REACT Regulation is fundamental. The task is to prepare this program change by programming a new REACT priority axis and developing a justification for the program change. In this context, among other things, the expenditure for crisis management associated with COVID-19, the 100% financeability from the EU budget as well as (if possible) the use of 25% of the total budget for the achievement of the climate protection goals are to be taken into account.

Contract/funding by:
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate


Modification and extension of the contract for evaluation and monitoring for the 2014-2020 ERDF funding period to include services for REACT-EU

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the EU has launched crisis management programs, some of which are substantial, including the REACT program. In Saarland, most of the funds are to be spent as part of the 2014-2020 ERDF program, for which a program change in accordance with the requirements of the REACT Regulation is essential. The task is therefore to prepare this program change by programming a new REACT priority axis and developing a justification for the program change. Among other things, the expenditure for crisis management associated with COVID-19, the ability to finance 100% from the EU budget and (if possible) the use of 25% of the total budget to achieve the climate protection targets must be taken into account.

Contract/funding by:
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, Energy and Transport of the State Saarland


Preparation of the Operational Program ERDF Saarland 2021-2027 in the objective "Investments in employment and growth" and the Strategic Environmental Assessment

Support of the programme preparation within the framework of the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the period 2021 to 2027, in particular in the development of the strategy, the content of the funding priorities, the indicator system as well as in the design of the process of coordination and participation of the different actors. Likewise, the implementation of a Strategic Environmental Assessment, in which both potential significant negative as well as positive effects that can contribute to the achievement of environmental and sustainability policy objectives of the ERDF programme are evaluated.

Contract/funding by:
Saarland Ministry of Economics, Labour, Energy and Transport


Socio-economic and SWOT analyses for the ERDF program of the Saarland

As a central basis for the preparation of the ERDF programmes 2014-2020 and 2021-2027, socio-economic analyses and topic-specific SWOT analyses were carried out and challenges and funding requirements were derived.

Contract/funding by:
Saarland Ministry of Economics, Labour, Energy and Transport


Verification of compliance with the "Do no significant harm principle" in ERDF programs

Ex-ante assessment of ERDF programs 2021-2027 for their compatibility with the do-no-significant-harm principle, referring to the six environmental objectives under Article 17 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation: 1. climate change mitigation; 2. adaptation to climate change; 3. sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; 4. transition to a circular economy; 5. pollution prevention and control; 6. protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. Overlaps with the Strategic Environmental Assessment were considered.

Contract/funding by:
Managing authorities of the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony


Preparation of the Operational Program for Rhineland-Palatinate for implementation of the ERDF in the 2021-2027 programming period

Support of the programme preparation within the framework of the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the period 2021 to 2027, in particular in the development of the strategy, the content of the funding priorities, the indicator system as well as in the design of the process of coordination and participation of the different actors. Likewise, the implementation of a Strategic Environmental Assessment, in which both potential significant negative as well as positive effects that can contribute to the achievement of environmental and sustainability policy objectives of the ERDF programme are evaluated.

Contract/funding by:
Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture Rhineland-Palatinate


Investigation of possibilities for future transnational cooperation in the cooperation area Northwest Europe post 2020 for Rhineland-Palatinate

Development of future funding opportunities, thematic funding priorities and funding approaches for cooperation projects within the transnational INTERREG program INTERREG B Northwest Europe (INTERREG B NWE) post 2020 for the State of Rhineland-Palatinate by means of analyses and a stakeholder survey. The study is also intended to provide the basics and preliminary work to establish a Rhineland-Palatinate programme for the preparation of projects in the European cooperation programs (ETC/INTERREG).

Contract/funding by:
Ministry of the Interior and Sport Rhineland-Palatinate


Feasibility study Smart Lab for Future Mobility Systems

Feasibility study taking into account the specific requirements of the ERDF funding for the "Smart Lab Initiative for the development, functional verification and safeguarding of chassis and chassis systems of future vehicles with alternative drive technologies" planned at the Kranichstein site.

Contract/funding by:
Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research


Update of a regional innovation strategy for "Intelligent Specialization" (RIS3) in Saarland for the ERDF 2014-2020

The update of the RIS for the Saarland includes an initial analysis of regional innovation policy, the evaluation of existing innovation policy funding instruments, the identification of future key topics, the derivation of fields of action and implementation instruments as well as the development of an evaluation, monitoring and governance system.

Contract/funding by:
State Chancellery of the Saarland
Department of Technology Policy and Technology Transfer


Preparation of the Operational Program 2014-2020 for the ERDF Saarland

Support for programme preparation within the framework of European Regional Fund (ERDF) funding for the period 2014 to 2020, particularly with regard to strategy development, the content of the funding priorities, the indicator system and the design of the process of coordination and participation of the various actors.

Contract/funding by:
Saarland Ministry of Economics, Labour, Energy and Transport


Creation of the Operational Program 2014-2020 for the ERDF Rhineland-Palatinate

Support for programme preparation within the framework of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding for the period 2014 to 2020, in particular with regard to strategy development, the content of the funding priorities, the indicator system and the design of the process of coordination and participation of the various actors.

Contract/funding by:
Ministry of Economics, Climate Protection, Energy and Regional Planning Rhineland-Palatinate


Implementation Report 2015 and Final Report ERDF Saarland 2007-2013

Preparation of the annual implementation report 2015 and the final implementation report for the Operational Program ERDF Saarland "Regional Competitiveness and Employment" 2007-2013.

Contract/funding by:
Saarland Ministry of Economics, Labour, Energy and Transport


Ex-ante assessment of the financial instruments of the Operational Program of the State of Berlin for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the programming period 2014-2020

Conducting an ex-ante evaluation of the financial instruments (loans, venture capital, equity investments, microcredits, energy efficiency SMEs, R&D loans) intended for support within the framework of the implementation of the European Regional Fund (ERDF) for the period 2014 to 2020 in the State of Berlin.

Contract/funding by:
Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research Berlin